3 Healthy Hair Habits That No One Talks About
We live in the age of information overload! The internet is flooded with thousands of uploaded videos and articles about pretty much everything. If you’re thinking it, I guarantee that someone out there considers themselves an expert in it. Healthy hair is no different. We all have different textures, routines and life circumstances but that doesn’t stop us from binge watching YouTube videos and testing out a dozen different regimens. We all know you need to deep condition, and limit our use of heated styling tools but let’s take a second to talk about a few things people rarely mention.
Toxin Build Up
The human body is amazing! When properly nurtured and rested, the human body will naturally heal its self. This includes getting rid of harmful toxins that can negatively affect our hair, skin and digestive system. Sugar, processed food and even stress are just a few toxins that our bodies fight to get rid of on a daily basis. Help your body out! First thing in the morning, drink a cup of warm lemon water, apple cider vinegar, and a dab of raw honey on an empty stomach. Fast for at least eight hours at night so your body can go into rest and repair mode. Lastly, meditate, stretch or workout daily to properly manage your stress and anxiety.
Check your hormone and thyroid levels regularly
Did you know that a drop in estrogen levels can trigger the male pattern of baldness? Yes sis, even just the slightest imbalance can have your hair thinning and your beard game strong.
Don’t let this happen to you too soon. During your yearly checkup with your primary care doctor, make sure you ask for a full blood work up and if you sense that something is off, ask them to check your thyroid levels as well. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make the doctor take your concerns seriously.
Take the right vitamin
Several years ago I had a serious sit down with a nutritionist. At the time, I was taking my Grow Sister hair vitamin but my hair was still dull and weak. I was doing everything I knew to do on my part but something was not adding up. Turns out I just needed a multivitamin on top of my hair vitamin. I had many gaps in my nutrition so my hair vitamin wasn’t benefiting my hair at all. My poor little gummy was being recruited for overtime to assist my body in areas that I didn’t know needed help. It was overworked and not serving its original purpose.
So that is it ladies. Let’s make sure we’re covering all the obvious bases, like hydrating, and sealing our strands. But don’t forget the ones that we don’t always talk about. Help your body rid its self of toxins, get blood work done at least once a year and make sure you are taking a multi vitamin and your Grow Sister hair gummy for maximum benefits.